Vidura, known for his piety, performs rigorous penance and obtains a bow - the Brahma Dhanus from Brahma, the God of Creation. It is an indestructible weapon. If Vidura retains the bow, Duryodhana would be successful in the Kurukshetra battle. When Krishna goes as the Pandava emissary to meet the Kauravas, all the assembled nobles invite Krishna to their houses. But Krishna chooses to eat and rest at Vidura’s house. Duryodhana burns with jealousy that Krishna has sought the company of Vidura, a courtier. At the assembly the next day, Duryodhana chastises Vidura, ‘Krishna has come as the messenger of my foe. You have taken him to your house and revealed the secrets of the Kaurava army’. But Vidura has not mentioned anything. He reveres Krishna as God.
Krishna seizes this opportune moment knowing that Vidura would be emotionally disturbed since Duryodhana has insulted him in front of the other courtiers. He tells Vidura, ‘Please do not act impulsively for any reason. Don’t be hasty, as Duryodhana has spoken only in anger. Do not break the Brahma Dhanus that you have obtained after such severe austerities.’ Krishna achieves what he wants by such subtle provocations. Vidura says to Duryodhana, ‘This is the right treatment for such a scoundrel as you’ and breaks the Brahma Dhanus in front of Duryodhana. This is how one voluntarily spoils whatever chances he has. The bow that was obtained after such penance, did not benefit Duryodhana.
The body is the bow granted by Brahma. But people do not put it to proper use. They succumb to Worldly desires, which leads to various illnesses and ultimately they are of no use either to themselves or to society. Do they at least make some garlands for the Lord, sweep the temple or take care of the temple gardens? They are wasting away this Brahma Dhanus that is the body. They are digging their own graves.
where is this narrated?